Most of my books are in good condition because I am careful. I don't write in them (anymore). I don't break the spine (at least, not on purpose). I don't drop them into the tub nor dog-ear the pages.
That said, I have a number of books that are falling apart, ripped and torn, drawn in and beat up. I could easily replace them, and yet I don't. They are among the books I love the most, perhaps because each rip and scribble tells a story.
Probably the shabbiest of all my books is "Beloved Tales," an anthology of children's stories and poems. The book, edited by Bryna and Louis Untermeyer, uses a different illustrator for each piece so young readers get a broad spectrum of both words and artwork. It's a delight.

I'm not sure how old I was when I was given this book, but I was very small. It was new then, but now the covers are gone, the first few pages are ripped out, other pages are torn and crayon-scribbled. It's a mess. Why do I keep it?
My copy of Dylan Thomas' "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog" is not in good shape. I read those short stories over and over when I was in high school — Thomas' recollections of childhood are exactly right, and often very funny.
But the book is worn and stained. The spine is broken from lying for days opened face down.
I could replace it, but I don't. This is the copy I want.
I don't have a lot of books like this, but I have a few, books that are as valuable for their dishevelment as they are for their words.