Stymied in their pursuit of an expansion, the owners of the largest feedlot in Winona County have taken the unusual step of suing a handful of individual opponents and public officials for lost income.
Daley Farm of Lewiston, a family-owned dairy operation, sued six members of the nonprofit advocacy group Land Stewardship Project, which had lobbied against the expansion, and three County Board members, saying they conspired to stack the vote against the business.
The lawsuit is the latest escalation in a yearslong legal fight over the proposed expansion, but it is the first filed against individual members of the public and the County Board.
Sean Carroll, spokesman for Land Stewardship Project, said the suit is a bullying tactic, designed to threaten anyone else from speaking out against the expansion.
"This is meant to intimidate people, to silence people," he said. "They couldn't get what they want through the democratic process, so now they're suing Land Stewardship Project; they're suing individual community members, and they're suing their neighbors."
Twenty-five years ago, Winona County set a limit on feedlots at 1,500 animal units. Daley Farm, which is more than 160 years old, was grandfathered in and has been allowed to keep just fewer than 2,000 animal units. The family wanted to triple the operation and started applying for state and local permits in 2017 to expand to just fewer than 6,000.
The expansion would allow the farm to produce and sell about 40 million more pounds of milk a year — mostly to the Land O'Lakes cooperative — and earn an additional $3 million in livestock sales, according to the farm's estimates.
Environmental groups and neighbors worried about water pollution opposed the plan.