Q Which "chef-driven" restaurant does the best work when the chef is not on the premises?
A The crew that Alex Roberts has in his kitchen at Restaurant Alma (528 University Av. SE., Mpls., www.restaurantalma.com) knows his ethos the way I know my way through my house in the dark. They've worked for him for years, and they're an extraordinarily talented group of chefs. I'd also put the crew at La Belle Vie (510 Groveland Av., Mpls., www.labellevie.us) up there, led by veteran chef de cuisine Mike DeCamp.
Q Along with La Belle Vie, what other restaurants are offering tasting menus?
A Plenty. Heartland Restaurant & Farm Direct Market (289 E. 5th St., St. Paul, www.heart landrestaurant.com), Heidi's (2903 Lyndale Av. S., Mpls., www.heidismpls.com), Vincent (1100 Nicollet Mall, Mpls., www.vincent arestaurant.com), Travail Kitchen and Amusements (4154 W. Broadway, Robbinsdale) and W.A. Frost & Co. (374 Selby Av., St. Paul, www.wafrost.com). And, of course, there's Piccolo (4300 Bryant Av. S., Mpls., www.piccolompls.com), where chef Doug Flicker creates a lineup that's essentially a build-your-own tasting menu. It is a remarkable dining experience, in every way.
Q Any suggestions for a beginner's cooking class in the cities?
A The "How to Boil Water" series at Cooks of Crocus Hill (877 Grand Av., St. Paul, and 3925 W. 50th St., Edina, www.cooksofcrocushill.com) is a longtime beginner's favorite.
Q Best hot chocolate?
A That's easy. Hands down, it's Kopplin's Coffee (2038 Marshall Av., St. Paul, www.kopplins coffee.com).