Sometimes it's money straight from state coffers. Other times it's a tweak to a narrowly focused regulation. With Republicans in charge of the Minnesota Legislature, their allies are seeing priorities elevated at the Capitol.
Republicans are trying to use their state House and Senate majorities to re-engineer Minnesota government in a cheaper, leaner, more business-friendly direction. But they are also pushing for a host of policy changes — tax cuts and credits, subsidies and regulatory relief — that would benefit traditionally GOP-aligned sectors like insurance, energy, agribusiness, homebuilding and other industries.
In some cases, the help extends to a single company. Like a manufacturer in northwestern Minnesota, or a shrimp farm in the southwest.
"We can't pretend like a company can't make a decision to move to another location," said House Speaker Kurt Daudt, R-Crown, as he explained that Republicans are trying to keep businesses here in a tough environment. "It's easy to do, and other states make it easy."
He acknowledged interest group allies at the Capitol, but he noted that legislative proposals to benefit them regularly come from members of both political parties and must earn wider support to advance. State lawmakers are off this week and return Tuesday for the final five weeks of their session.
Pursuing policies that help allied interest groups is hardly new in politics. In 2013, when the DFL controlled the Legislature and Gov. Mark Dayton was in his first term, lawmakers authorized two influential unions, SEIU and AFSCME, to organize personal care attendants and child care businesses. Republicans howled at this attempted major expansion of the labor movement, charging that any resulting spike in union dues could make its way back to DFL candidates in the form of political contributions.
Now the roles are reversed, as DFLers accuse the GOP-controlled Legislature of doling out favors. Rep. Jon Applebaum, DFL-Minnetonka, called it "a wish list" for the well-connected.
"Republicans are checking off every single item on it, every single day. It's not how we should be governing," he said.