Minnesota parents, are you ready for the coming "woke" invasion of your child's public school?
By 2022, as your first-grader is learning that two plus two is four, the Minnesota Department of Education intends to mandate that she also learn to recognize "stereotypes," "biased speech," and "injustice at the institutional or systemic level."
Your middle schooler will be drilled in how his identity is a function of his skin color.
Your high schooler will be required to explain how Europeans invented "whiteness" and that America's 19th-century westward expansion was the shameful product of "whiteness, Christianity and capitalism."
Not what you signed up for? Take a look at the new K-12 social studies standards that the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is proposing to replace the current standards, which lay out what students must "satisfactorily complete" to graduate from high school.
If the new standards are adopted, the next generation of Minnesota citizens will be not only uninformed — but scandalously misinformed — about our nation's history and democratic institutions. They will, however, be programmed to become the next generation of "woke" social activists, having spent their public-school years immersed in the lingo and thought world of the progressive left.
The new standards focus primarily on cultivating politically correct attitudes and commitments, rather than preparing students to take on the duties of citizenship by ensuring they understand the chronological story of the key events, actors and ideas that shaped American democracy and the larger world.
George Washington and D-Day rate no mention, though they were highlighted in earlier versions of the standards. Abraham Lincoln and the Battle of Gettysburg are omitted, but students study partus sequitur ventrem — the legal principle adopted in Virginia in 1662 that a child followed the slave or free status of its mother.