Stephanie Autumn was a college freshman in Los Angeles when she and several other Native Americans joined the call of Oglala Lakota people in February 1973 to help occupy Wounded Knee, S.D., in a stand for their sovereign rights.
The daughter of a white mother and Hopi father, Autumn grew up in foster homes half her life and was trying to reconnect to her roots as an Indigenous woman.
Upon reaching Wounded Knee, she said, she felt a sense of family she never had. She volunteered at the security desk and assisted with radio communications from the bunkers where Native people engaged in daily firefights with federal authorities surrounding the town.
Autumn, who now lives in Woodbury, and other Indigenous people from Minnesota and across the nation are returning to Wounded Knee to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the occupation. The 71-day standoff with federal agents — which Minnesotans helped lead — brought international attention to the American Indian Movement, also known as AIM.
"What the occupation of Wounded Knee did for Native people was the resurgence of our voice, that resurgence of our rights to be who we are as Native people, to our language, to our life ways, to our land," Autumn said.
Many veterans of the Wounded Knee occupation are no longer alive. Most who will attend ceremonies on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on Feb. 24-27 only know of the occupation through their elders. They have grown up in an era when Native Americans have more control over their institutions and feel more freedom to speak out about treaty rights. But they are fighting similar battles to protect their air, water and land — whether at the 2016 protest at Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota over oil pipelines or in ongoing fights against mining in the Black Hills of western South Dakota.
"These issues are not new — they're continuing," said Madonna Thunder Hawk, 83, who volunteered as a medic for the Wounded Knee occupation. She recalled gold mining in the Black Hills as a major issue since she was a girl on the nearby Cheyenne River Reservation. "There's no new story here. It's just a new generation."
Taking a stand