A familiar argument broke out at the Minnesota Legislature recently.
The committee on public safety was debating a bill that would make it a felony to tamper with a police car, punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Rep. Raymond Dehn, a DFLer, commented on the number of similar bills the committee had been hearing, turning lower charges into more serious ones likely to feed the prison population.
If the goal is simply to lock more people up, Dehn said, "I just question why we call this a public safety committee."
His Republican colleague, Rep. Tony Cornish, swiftly chimed in that he doesn't mind sending more people to prison if they deserve it. Besides, said Cornish, "we're still very near the bottom on incarceration per capita in Minnesota."
This is a common refrain in discussions about prison policy. And Cornish is right: Minnesota's incarceration rate is one of the lowest in the United States.
But that's not the whole story. Minnesota also claims one of the highest rates of people on probation in the country. One reason this matters is that people on probation or supervised release -- Minnesota's version of parole -- frequently do end up in prison for "technical violations," such as missing meetings with a supervision officer or failing drug tests. Last year, two-thirds of the state's prison admissions were there because of technical violations.
Critics like Rep. Marion O'Neill, R-Maple Lake, think it's time for that to change. Last week, O'Neill brought advocates in to testify on a proposal in the House that would mandate supervision officers to look for alternatives to prison when non-violent drug offenders commit technical violations.
"Our system is broken," said Gina Evans, a recovered addict who now helps others as outreach director for Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge rehabilitation programs.