Ellen Ewald took the job at the Norwegian Consulate in Minneapolis with the understanding she and her male counterpart, both in new roles, would earn the same salary and benefits.
Then she learned his job provided health insurance coverage for his children: a benefit she didn’t have. She dug deeper and discovered something even more alarming: He was earning $100,000 a year to her $70,000.
“In this case, it really wasn’t about the money,” said Ewald, who successfully sued the Norwegian government for discrimination. “It was the principle.”
Women receive less pay than men across the globe, and have earned about 80 cents on the dollar in the United States for decades. The gender pay gap amounts to $1.6 trillion annually, with losses ballooning as women progress up the ladder: Though there’s a pay gap at every income level, it widens to about 60 cents on the dollar for the highest earners, according to data from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve.
There are many factors that contribute to women’s diminished earnings, including time away from work for caregiving, lower pay in female-dominated sectors and, in some cases, blatant discrimination. Race exacerbates the disparity, the Fed data shows: In 2019, a white woman at the middle of the income ladder earned 74 cents on the white male dollar, while a Latina woman’s pay was 53 cents, a Black woman’s 51 cents and a Native American woman’s 48 cents.
“It continues to really be a challenge for us as women of color,” said Antonia Apolinario-Wilcoxon, president of Equity Strategies LLC and former community relations director at the Minnesota Department of Human Services. “We are doing the hard work, we are going to school, we are trying to excel ... and still this continues to not allow us to move forward. And of course there are so many reasons for it.”
Regardless of the cause, the fact that roughly half of working Americans have less money to spend due to their gender has implications for the U.S. economy, said Sarah Jane Glynn, chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor.
“Sometimes the way the wage gap gets talked about is cents on the dollar, and I think it can leave people with the impression that we’re talking about pennies. We are not,” Glynn said. “When you add it all up, if you think about it in terms of the overall economy, it’s an enormous amount of money. And when folks have less money, it is bad for the economy.”