Minneapolis entrepreneur Anton Lazzaro supports President Donald Trump, even if he doesn't agree with some of the socially conservative messages emanating from this week's Republican National Convention.
At 29, Lazzaro is the youngest of the known Minnesota GOP delegates, and he worries that some of the Republican Party's ideas on social change might be holding it back with other young conservatives.
"I think that's more of the older, traditional, Christian evangelical wing of the party that kind of controls those type of things," Lazzaro said. "I think that's going to change over the next decade, because there's a lot of younger Republicans that have more modernized views in my opinion."
Polls consistently show that younger voters, particularly college students, favor Democratic nominee Joe Biden over Trump, a gap that could be decisive if Democrats can get them to turn out to vote in November. But to Lazzaro, Trump's low polling numbers among young people are less a reflection of the president than the traditional GOP establishment.
Lazzaro believes in LGBT rights and does not oppose the right to abortion. But even as opposition to abortion is a near constant among conservatives of all ages, some young Republicans yearn for broader messages of inclusivity on race and other social issues.
University of St. Thomas student Karly Hahn, chairwoman of the Minnesota College Republicans, said that "Gen Z" Republicans like herself are focused on small government and family choices, on which she said the president has delivered. But Hahn said young Republicans are less receptive to some of the rhetoric used by the older generation.
"We grew up in school systems of inclusivity, where everyone needs to be inclusive of everyone," Hahn said.
But to Hahn, 21, young Republicans do not receive that inclusivity in return, especially on college campuses where young Democrats pushing progressive causes are a much more vocal presence.