Before COVID-19, Pat Leseman used to marvel over her son's chockfull schedule. It wasn't unusual for Michael to bounce from hiking club and music lessons to fitness class and glee club all in a single day.
Michael, 37, has a developmental disability from a genetic condition. When the pandemic hit, many of his favorite activities for people with special needs switched from in-person to online. Michael has a hard time staring at a computer, so his world got a lot smaller.
Pat says after everything shut down, Michael longed to be around people again.
"He doesn't understand this COVID thing," Pat says. "He kept asking, 'Party? Party? Today, party?' I kept saying, 'Not today. The world is sick.' "
With the world sick for about 19 months now, Michael has stopped asking about parties. Unlike able-bodied adults, he can't just call up a friend, go for a drive, meet up for a beer, or any of the things someone like me might take for granted. His mom notices he fidgets a lot more than before the pandemic, sometimes even poking himself in the eye. He easily gets frustrated in his isolation.
"It does tear my heart apart that my son is not participating in very much because he refuses to look at a screen," she said. "And there are many Mikes out there."
What makes this story even more painful is Michael is not participating in the very program Pat co-founded nearly 20 years ago. The Highland Friendship Club serves people with disabilities by offering them lifelong skills and connections to the community. The nonprofit has been riding out the pandemic with admirable skill, but as it's adapted, it's found that the new Zoom world order has left some behind.
When I joined Pat recently on her fern-filled back deck in St. Paul's Highland Park neighborhood, she explained the origins of the organization. When Michael entered middle school, he and his friend John, who also has special needs, stopped getting invited to birthday parties and couldn't participate in sports or the school play.