9 free things to do in the Twin Cities this week

From poets to pumpkins, Minnesota has it all — cheap.

October 17, 2023 at 11:05AM
The Wargo Fall Festival at Wargo Nature Center in Lino Lakes happens Saturday. (Anoka County Parks/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

1. Wargo Fall Festival

Take in the autumnal colors with self-guided nature activities and pioneer games. The cider press gets cranked up for beverages and guests can experience the new fall sound garden. (1-4 p.m. Sat., Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes. anokacountyparks.com)

2. Poets & Pints

Young writers prove they are wise wordsmiths during this reading series. Hear inspiring pieces from Lamonte, Daysionathepoet, Ken Poetry and IamM.E. (7 p.m. Wed., Sisyphus Brewing, 712 Ontario Av. W., Mpls., crackedwalnut.com)

3. Soo Visual Arts Center

Artists Syed Hosain and Ruthann Godollei talk about their work and Hosain's new exhibit "Eyes They Sea." The exhibit reflects recent moments of injustice and uncertainty. (3 p.m. Sun., exhibit runs through Oct. 29, 2909 Bryant Av. S., Mpls., soovac.org)

4. Westminster Performing Arts Series

A partnership with the Schubert Club continues with a new season of music. Talented Minnesota Opera Resident Artists will perform. (Noon Fri., 1200 Marquette Av. S., Mpls., westminstermpls.org)

5. Creepy-Crawly Creature Awareness Weekend

MEA weekend finds the Como Zoo covered in a variety of bugs. Learn about hissing cockroaches, anaconda, carnivorous plants, spiders and more through zookeeper and gardener talks and interactive activities. (10 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri.-Sun., 1225 Estabrook Drive, St. Paul, comozooconservatory.org)

6. Minnesota Beef Expo

Throughout the weekend, plump, well-groomed bovine will be judged. Human competitors also will be judged on their knowledge and there will be a trade show and exhibitions. (8 a.m.-8 p.m. Thu.; 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri.; 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Sat.; 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun., Warner Coliseum & Livestock Complex, State Fairgrounds, 1265 N. Snelling Av., Falcon Heights, mnbeefexpo.com)

7. Pumpkin Walk

Throw on a glow-in-the-dark outfit or bracelets for an illuminating evening. Walk a path of glowing pumpkins, play glow games and groove along in the glow dance with a live DJ. (5-8 p.m. Sat., Veterans Park, 803 Old Hwy. 8, New Brighton. newbrightonmn.gov)

8. Uproar Comedy Open Mic

Comics will make the crowd laugh the fall chills away in this event, once voted Best Twin Cities Comedy Open Mic by City Pages. (7 p.m. Mon., Bryant Lake Bowl, 810 W. Lake St., Mpls., facebook.com/uproarmpls/ or bryantlakebowl.com)

9. Mini Pumpkin Painting

Grab a gourd and paint pen for some artistic fun. Children 6-12 can use their imaginations to make spooky- or kooky-looking pumpkins. (4:30-6 p.m. Tue., Columbia Heights Public Library, 3939 Central Av. NE., Columbia Heights, anokacounty.libcal.com/event/10976995)

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Melissa Walker

News Assistant

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