9 free things to do in the Twin Cities this week
Hot air balloons and live music heat up a winter week.

Because of construction, this year’s event has a new location and is themed “Staying Alive in 2025.” Activities throughout the weekend include balloon launches, a marketplace and craft fair, a smoosh board competition and more. (10 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri., 7:35 a.m.-midnight Sat., 7:35 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun., River Crest Elementary School, 535 County Road F, Hudson, Wis., hudsonhotairaffair.com)
2. Umbrella Bed
Together for 30 years, the ska band performs its catalog of two-tone ska music. (7-10:30 p.m. Wed., Schooner Tavern, 2901 27th Av. S., Mpls., schoonertavern.com)
3. Zanewood Winter Fun Fest
In partnership with the Three Rivers Park District, families can enjoy sledding, snowshoeing and crafts. (5-7 p.m. Thu., Zanewood Recreation Center, 7100 Zane Av. N., Brooklyn Park, brooklynpark.org)
4. Winter Family Fun & Games
Take a break from the work and school week with cold weather-themed activities and games. (6:30 p.m. Thu., Duluth and Case Recreation Center, 1020 Duluth St., St. Paul, stpaul.gov)
5. Frozen Fun Fest Ice Block Party
Bundle up for a walk along a luminaria trail, ice skating and music by the Teddy Bear Band and the Beatnik Brothers. There will also be food trucks, bonfires and free hot chocolate. (5-8 p.m. Fri., Friendly Hills Park, 2360 Pueblo Lane, Mendota Heights, mendotaheightsmn.gov)
6. ‘Lines & Layers’
Senior creatives David Kolonight and Katie Storlie show off works of art in various media during their senior thesis exhibition, which ends March 2. (Opening reception, 5:30-7 p.m. Fri., Johnson Gallery, Bethel University, 3900 Bethel Drive, St. Paul, bethel.edu)
7. Bingo Night
Bring a friend or family member for a friendly, yet competitive, round of bingo games, prizes and snacks. (6:30-8 p.m. Fri., Messiah Church, 17805 County Road 6, Plymouth, messiahchurch.org)
8. Polar Fest
Burnsville’s coolest festival features ice bowling, horse and carriage rides, sledding, music and more. (11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat., North River Hills Park, 11501 19th Av., Burnsville, burnsvillemn.gov)
9. JazzFest
North Hennepin Community College presents a concert directed by David Mantini with featured saxophonist Jeff Antoniuk. (7 p.m. Sat., Fine Arts Center, North Hennepin Community College, 7411 85th Av. N., Brooklyn Park, nhcc.edu)
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