Minnesotans rolled out of bed Sunday and, for the first time in state history, had the option of making a trip to their local liquor store.
At 11 a.m. the state ended its more than century-old ban on Sunday liquor sales, just in time for the Independence Day holiday. It joined 38 other states and the District of Columbia that now allow some form of Sunday retail alcohol sales, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS).
Liquor store owners and customers across the Twin Cities appeared to embrace the change.
"It feels as if a freedom has been lifted," said Fred Kreider, 25, who was among the first in line and about to buy a keg of beer at Zipps Liquors on E. Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis. His wife, Jillian Perkins, 31, nodded in agreement.
Opposition to the Sunday ban, in effect since statehood in 1858, began to snowball in recent years, thanks in part to the support of newly elected lawmakers responding to overwhelming public support. The law was overturned in March by bipartisan majorities, though not without drama.
Surdyk's Liquor & Cheese Shop, an 83-year-old institution in northeast Minneapolis, famously defied the July 2 start date by opening for business on March 12. At first, unamused city officials suspended the store's liquor license for 30 days and slapped owner Jim Surdyk with a $2,000 fine, a penalty later reduced to a three-day suspension spread out over the first three Sundays starting yesterday. The fine was raised to $50,000.
As Robert Taylor, 54, walked out of Zipps on Sunday, cradling a brown paper bag in one arm, he said that he felt conflicted about Sunday sales.
As a small-business owner, he said that "any kind of business is good." But he said that as a black man, he worried about the social implications of keeping liquor stores open an extra day, particularly in poorer neighborhoods.