A decade ago, Mary Gutfleisch made a bold choice: She switched schools her senior year, leaving a public high school to attend a small, brand-new charter school.
She wanted the chance to weave her interests in art and theater into her education, which the school's self-directed focus would let her do, she said.
Today, Gutfleisch makes a living off YouTube videos she creates. She credits the projects she worked on that year, including shooting a music video, with helping her get started.
"It was really a crash course in what later became freelance work," she said.
She returned to her old school, formerly ARTech but now called Arcadia Charter School, two weeks ago to teach students about drawing and brainstorming. The same week, Arcadia held its 10-year-anniversary celebration.
Now in its 11th year, Arcadia has grown from the brainchild of a group of progressive Northfield parents into a financially stable school with steady enrollment — a rare feat for a charter school.
Arcadia has evolved over the years, gradually learning what works and what doesn't. Now, there's more built-in support and structure to ensure that students succeed, said Director Ryan Krominga.
Initially, the school had a purely project-based philosophy, in which learning was largely self-directed. Today, Arcadia — with 125 students in grades 6 through 12 — has a hybrid format, combining regular core classes with interdisciplinary projects students pick to meet state standards, Krominga said.