As the spring melt invites increasing foot traffic to 38th Street and Chicago Avenue, Madi Ramirez-Tentinger is trying to find and paint over some of the anti-police graffiti sprinkled among the protest art. The statements have long been part of the intersection now known as George Floyd Square, but as the trial over Floyd's death approaches, Ramirez-Tentinger doesn't want to give anyone an excuse to demonize the area.
"We're preparing for white supremacists, we're preparing for provocateurs, we're preparing for naysayers, we're preparing for police," said Ramirez-Tentinger, a stand-up comedian who's always joking to dispel tension in the square.
Many longtime caretakers of the square are trying to tamp their own anxieties as they strive to present a unified front during what they consider a watershed moment with the world watching.
The most committed protesters have shown up consistently for nine months to watch the barricades, clean up around the square and chop wood for twice-daily fire pit meetings.
They put their lives on pause to sit in guard shacks through a polar vortex, defending the zone against vandals and city officials under pressure to reopen the street.
"I hope for justice. I hope for accountability," Ramirez-Tentinger said. "Yeah, there's part of me that thinks it's not gonna happen. So that's a contingency plan in itself. We have to prepare for if it doesn't. We've got to prepare for what that means for all of us."
Plans are in the works to receive a mass of visitors as ex-police officer Derek Chauvin stands trial for murder in Floyd's death. Protesters have discussed providing refreshments and arranging flowers to lay on Floyd's memorial.
Groups have scheduled vigils and protests at the square. They expect the city to drop off more portable toilets and hand-washing stations.