The holiday shopping — er, shipping — war is on.
Best Buy Co. Inc., the nation's largest electronics retailer, is the first major player to get out ahead with its announcement Thursday that it will offer free shipping on online orders starting Sunday through Jan. 2. In doing so, the Richfield company will waive the $35 minimum threshold it usually requires on its website to qualify for free shipping.
Last year, Minneapolis-based Target Corp. made waves when it offered free shipping during the holidays. The company has tested sitewide free shipping a couple of times since then, but it hasn't said yet whether it will repeat it this holiday season.
Retailers often dangle their best promotions during the competitive holiday season because it accounts for a big chunk of their annual sales. And online shopping often spikes during that time. Last year, for example, online sales accounted for 15 percent of Best Buy's sales during the holidays, compared with 8 percent the rest of the year.
Still, it's unclear how big of a deal free shipping will be for Best Buy since it sells many higher-priced products that would already qualify for free shipping. Jeff Haydock, a company spokesman, acknowledged that most orders on are priced over $35. So the question is how many shoppers, who are usually deterred from buying cheaper items online because they don't want to pay shipping, will take advantage of the promotion.
While some retailers such as Nordstrom and Zappos offer free shipping year-round on all orders, most retailers require some sort of minimum purchase amount before shipping becomes free. That's a reflection of the cost associated with free shipping that can cut into retailers' profits.
"We're not sure how sustainable it is over the long haul because it's a cost the retailer has to absorb," said Charles O'Shea, an analyst with Moody's.
Still, during the holiday shopping season, retailers are desperate to bring in as many sales as they can. So O'Shea said he wouldn't be surprised to see other retailers match Best Buy's holiday promotion.