For a boreal outback long on solitude, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness was a busy place last year.
Permits to visit the million-acre wilderness surged in 2020 as people fled their four walls and the COVID pandemic, sought solace in nature and discovered — or rekindled — magic in Minnesota's watery labyrinth of lakes and forest.
A total of 165,918 people visited the Boundary Waters last year, up 16% from 2019 and up 10% from the 2016-2019 average, the U.S. Forest Service reported Monday. The total number of permits issued jumped 22% from 2019.
The tally confirmed the obvious boom in Minnesota's outdoor recreation industry Up North as people headed outdoors.
"All of that anecdotal evidence was spot on," said Superior National Forest spokeswoman Joanna Gilkeson.
The current pace of Boundary Waters reservations indicates that this year could surpass 2020, outfitters say. The U.S. Forest Service's Superior National Forest, which manages the Boundary Waters, won't confirm early numbers.
"Everybody I talk to in the industry … says they are up for reservations for summer Boundary Waters trips," said Jason Zabokrtsky, owner of Ely Outfitting Co. "Most people are saying they're up significantly."
Zabokrtsky said he added three new employees this year. He described a "frenzy" of preparation for an influx of tourists who, like last year, were not necessarily skilled outdoors people. It's all good, he said.