Oh, the angst of being the lovely Sam Steele Ponder.
The ESPN college football sideline reporter and wife of Vikings QB Christian Ponder has taken to her agent's website, prothirtyone.com, to whine about you meanies on Twitter. You're making her mom cry and her sister want to hurt someone.
"I remember life before Twitter. I know, it's only been a few years but sometimes it feels like a different lifetime. I was a pretty confident kid. Somehow, I avoided the desperately insecure years that many of my peers experienced in High School. [sic] While the common school of thought was that 'fitting in' was what made a kid confident, being different was the key to my self-esteem. What's so different about a white, blue-eyed, blonde-haired girl growing up in a middle-class american [sic] family? When surrounded by friends with dark skin and dark hair growing up in government housing, a lot."
For example, she didn't care about clothes. The biggest problem with her hair was friends marveling at how long it grew. Because she was athletic she could eat the same unhealthy lunch every day. And "The Phoenix sun kept my skin tan. Whenever it appeared that my confidence was affected by something trivial, my dad would say something like this: 'Sam, if you're gonna live your life trying to be the prettiest, smartest or most athletic, you will never feel like enough. There will always be somebody else you think is better. If your confidence is based on something subjective, you will never be truly confident.'"
Ponder then goes on to sound very insecure, in this well-written piece that does make a few salient points.
After her first foray into Twitter, she wrote, "I checked my phone to see what people were asking.
"'Your scarf is hideous.' 'What's wrong with your eyebrows.' 'You'd be a 10 if you got a boob job.'
"'You're the worst sideline reporter in history.'