"There is far too much murmuring about the ring," NYC attorney Ted Nikolis said drolly, adding, "The next time I come to Minnesota I will wear the ring."
Nikolis, newly married to Fox News Channel's chief religion correspondent Lauren Green, personally eschews traveling with jewelry.
"I never knew that," said Green, who is wearing a massive ring without which I doubt she'll ever travel.
In May, Green and Nikolis had a Big Fat Greek Orthodox Cathedral Wedding in NYC, where the officiant reportedly dwelled on the being fruitful and multiplying part of the ceremony. They are not 20-somethings, so they probably are not going to have children. However, Nikolis said it'll be "easier for us than others" when Green was reading a card of congratulations (or was it a book with tips?) on staying married for life.
Green and Nikolis had a "Happily Ever After Party" Saturday that was combined with a couple of family birthdays, at the home of her sister and brother-in-law Lois and Ron Porter, who have a lovely, rolling Rogers estate on which they planted every tree and plant. The party's start-end time was stated as "2 p.m. to ?" I clearly enjoyed myself because I left when the people wearing the "Bride" and "Groom" baseball caps did and arrived home at the questionable time of 12:30 a.m. Sunday.
It was at the kind of after-party that began outside at a rather enormous fire pit, before we decided to diminish the degree of our mosquito-biting appeal by going inside, that I noticed Nikolis' naked ring fingers. Greeks' rings are first put on their right hands and they can move them to the left, if they choose, I was told. Based on his playful response, I assume I was not the first to make such an inquiry of the thoroughly charming, cuter version of the late Peter Sellers.
Green's mother, Bessie Green, a 90-something, was wearing skinny jeans. She has the body for them and the common sense not to wear a pair so constricting that you wind up in the hospital.
I always tease Mrs. Green about being at the casino all the time, because once a long time ago I ran into her while covering a celebrity appearance at a local gambling spot. She described her casino outings as "donating" opportunities and said she actually spends more time socializing, talking to other donors, than slipping coins into slots. She also had some pretty wry comments, and eye rolls when the subject of Lauren and Ted having children was raised.