Dear Matt: I have been a stay-at-home mom for several years and appreciate all the advice on how to get back to work. I would like to get a list of career coaches, counselors or résumé writers. Do you have one?
Career coaches can put you on the path to work
Dear Matt: I have been a stay-at-home mom for several years and appreciate all the advice on how to get back to work. I would like to get a list of career coaches, counselors or resume writers. Do you have one?
Matt says: You're in luck. The Twin Cities is home to many outstanding career coaches, career counselors and résumé writers.
This list includes people I recommend personally. They work with individuals at various stages of their career, and chances are there isn't a situation they haven't dealt with before. If they don't have what you are looking for, ask them to refer you to someone who may.
Catherine Byers Breet: Creator of the highly-effective Job Hunt Coaching System (612-508-2107; Catherine facilitates job clubs, works with small and large businesses and one-on-one with clients. Background in HR and hiring.
Carmen Croonquist: President of the Minnesota Career Development Association (, she is a certified career management coach and public speaker on career and motivational topics. Works with individuals at all levels; expertise with entry-level/recent college grads and those seeking international work (651-497-7178;
Cindy Edwards: President of Find Your Fit career coaching services, she can help you create a personalized career development strategy based on your passion and skills. She offers a free 30-minute assessment and writes résumés, cover letters, reference letters and more (612-325-1216;
Karen Kodzik: Featured regularly on KARE 11, Karen has over 15 years' experience working with individuals in transition. She offers a free initial call to prospective clients (651-387-2676;
Joan Runnheim Olson: A certified career management coach, she works with small and large groups and one-on-one with individuals. Based in Hudson but works with clients throughout Minnesota. Offers free initial phone consultation (715-808-0344;
Joanne Meehl: The Job Search Queen is a career coach and résumé writer who offers a variety of services, including résumé consultation, job search tools boot camp, interview training and much more (612-807-0258; .
Other options include and, and the Minnesota WorkForce Centers (1-888-438-5627;
Matt Krumrie is a Twin Cities freelance writer specializing in career advice.