State regulators are stepping up enforcement of mask-wearing, social distancing and other requirements imposed on Minnesota's bars and restaurants to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Owners of such establishments received notice this week of the increased oversight, which started on Friday, accompanied by the threat of fines and citations over complaints from customers as well as bars and restaurants that are obeying the rules that some of their competitors are ignoring.
Bars and restaurants were permitted as of June 10 to reopen their indoor service areas at 50% of their fire code capacities as long as they met other requirements such as mask-wearing and keeping tables 6 feet apart. Gov. Tim Walz on Friday said he wanted to thank the majority that are sacrificing and complying, and he added that he owes it to them to confront bars and restaurants that aren't.
"If they choose not to follow the best health guidance [they] put all of the businesses at risk, they put all of our health at risk," Walz said. "That's the whole idea. The wearing of the mask is about protecting others. It's about stopping the spread and reducing it."
The guidance comes at a nervy time in the pandemic for state health officials. The Minnesota Department of Health reported 862 lab-confirmed infections on Friday of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — bringing the state's overall total to 73,240 known infections — which represented an increase from the roughly 630 per day that had been reported on average for much of August.
The state also reported four COVID-19 deaths on Friday — for a total of 1,810 in the pandemic — and that 301 people were hospitalized with the infectious disease. Hospital and case numbers had leveled off somewhat in August after increasing in July.
The latest COVID-19 case growth appears somewhat tied to large group events and outbreaks in bars and restaurants where safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus are being disregarded, said Kris Ehresmann, state infectious disease director.
The state has confirmed 46 infections involving motorcyclists at the Sturgis rally in South Dakota and has found evidence that they have spread the virus to others within Minnesota. One apparently spread the virus at a wedding, Ehresmann said.