Sunday St. Patrick's Day has passed us by -- unless you live in the world of "The Simpsons" (7 p.m., KMSP, Ch. 9). In this belated holiday episode, underappreciated character actor Abe Simpson travels to Ireland for a sip of his favorite beer. Guest voice Kathy Ireland breathes a sigh of relief that her last name isn't "Switzerland."
Critic's choice: This week
Monday "Almanac" host and MPR personality Cathy Wurzer somehow found time in her busy schedule to hit the road -- and she has the film to prove it. "Tales of the Road: Highway 61" (8 p.m., KTCA, Ch. 2) takes viewers on a tour of Bob Dylan's favorite stretch, with Wurzer getting around with a Depression-era map, a period Cadillac and a carton of apples she's selling for a nickel apiece.
Tuesday Cartoonist Chuck Jones was the master of the animated short, so maybe it's appropriate that the new documentary "Chuck Jones: Memories of a Childhood" (7 p.m., TCM) is only 26 minutes long. I would have preferred a much deeper and longer profile. The man who brought Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck to life deserves better.
Wednesday NFL weatherwoman Jillian Reynolds forecasts the future for your favorite budding stars in "American Idol Extra" (9 p.m., FOX Reality), taking you behind the scenes to hear from the contestants. Season 5 finalist Ace Young serves as co-host. The series moves to its regular slot (6 and 9 p.m. Thursdays) tomorrow.
Thursday The new sitcom "In the Motherhood" (7 p.m., KSTP, Ch. 5) is unique for a couple of reasons. First, it's based on an online series that starred Chelsea Handler and Leah Remini (they are not in the TV show). Second, the producers are taking plot ideas to incorporate into the show. Submit your parent/child nightmares to
Here's how to pick the right shovel, from the classic to the crack-jumper, back-saver or the plow.