With falling circulation and a news staff that's been slashed almost to nonexistence, the St. Cloud Times is a ghost of the publication that was once one of the best small daily newspapers in Minnesota.
Corporate owner Gannett Co. Inc., heavily in debt and under pressure to reverse revenue declines, has cut staff to the point that only two reporters remain to cover news and events in the central Minnesota region of about 200,000 residents.
"People have always relied on the St. Cloud Times to be the agenda-setter," said Dale Zacher, chair of the Department of Mass Communications at St. Cloud State University. "It's not the civic institution it used to be. It's a sad downward spiral.
"This would be a great time to be involved in political corruption, because there's nobody watching."
In its prime, the paper had 40 to 50 people in its newsroom covering three counties and beyond, regularly winning state and even national journalism awards. Today, its overworked reporting duo writes for a drastically reduced audience. The paper's circulation has fallen from about 28,000 in 2013 to about 8,600 today.
What are those loyal readers missing out on?
"Everything," said Don Casey, who spent more than 25 years with the Times and retired as executive editor in 1997. "There's no sense of what's happening in the community.
"If you look at the content of the Times, nobody's covering the city council, the school board, the events that are taking place."