DFL leaders and the GOP minority kicked off the campaign for and against one-party government on the day after the 2013 legislative session ended with a hefty $2.1 billion tax hike and a contentious vote on an expansion of union influence.
DFL Gov. Mark Dayton called it "progress." Leaders of the Republican minority called it "overreach."
"When people asked me last fall what would happen if we had a DFL Legislature and a DFL governor, I said one word: 'Progress,' " Dayton said Tuesday, as the two sides began telling the story of the budget session in fly-arounds and news conferences. "And that's what we brought about in the last five months. Progress for education in Minnesota, progress for fairer property taxes, progress for a more progressive income tax … I'm proud of the progress we made."
The budget wipes out a projected state deficit, spends more on K-12 education and colleges, and enables federal health reform in Minnesota.
Republicans saw it differently.
"Tax, tax, tax," Sen. Dave Thompson, R-Lakeville, said of the session. "They taxed everybody … When what we ought to be doing is try to create a healthy economy, an opportunity culture rather than a culture of government overreach."
These diverging views will become part of the campaign for the House and governorship in 2014. The session that ended at 11:59 p.m. Monday will provide considerable fodder for what is now the perpetual campaign.
One-party rule the norm
One-party state government has become the rule in the Midwest. Minnesota and Illinois are all Democratic. North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio are pure GOP red. Only Iowa has divided government.