1. Are bones safe for dogs?
Yes — if they're made of nylon. Dogs love to chew, and dogs love to chew bones. But natural bones — including cow, pork and chicken bones — can wreak havoc on a dog's teeth and intestinal tract. I never recommend that dogs chew on real bones, cooked or raw. Nylon bones have the look of real bones and satisfy the urge to chew, with minimal danger. Take them away when they're small enough to swallow, which will vary from dog to dog.
Tony Johnson, emergency clinician at Noah's Animal Hospital, Wheaton, Ill.
Do dogs smile? We have the answer to that and other common canine questions
By Marty Becker
2. Do dogs smile?
Yes, dogs do smile. They have both an open-mouthed, happy dog smile, as well as what's called a "submissive grin." The open-mouthed smile — with mouth relaxed, teeth slightly showing, dog loosely panting — is typically seen when the dog is happy and relaxed, such as in play with another dog. A submissive grin is an appeasement gesture that's usually seen on greeting or approach. Eyes are super-squinty and nearly shut, and lips are pulled tight back, showing the front of their teeth while the rest of the body often looks soft and "slinky," with the dog holding its body and head slightly lower and to the side compared with their usual stance. The ears are held closer or flatter to the head and lower toward the neck. Tail position is likely slightly lower than usual and may have a quick but loose wag.
Mikkel Becker, certified trainer and co-author of "From Fearful to Fear Free"
3. Why do dogs chew on their feet?
When dogs lick or chew their feet, it is easy to applaud their efforts to maintain adequate hygiene. However, excessive licking usually indicates a medical problem. Most of the time, over-grooming behaviors focused on the feet indicate an allergy or infection. Allergies to environmental pollens, molds and mites, as well as food allergies, can cause itchy feet. But licking and chewing only make it worse, creating excessive moisture on the feet, so bacteria and yeast living on the skin overgrow and create a secondary infection, which exacerbates the itch. Both infections and allergies need to be addressed to control the itchy feet.
Amelia White, assistant clinical professor of dermatology, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine
4. Do dogs get jealous?
Jealousy is an emotion often described in the presence of a loving, affectionate relationship between two persons when a third person vies for the affection of one individual. Jealous emotions are felt in the person threatened by the presence of a rival. It motivates the jealous person to be defensive, get protective, compete with the rival and engage in behaviors to maintain the existing social relationship. Dogs, like humans, are social creatures capable of forming enduring emotional attachments. Dogs compete with other dogs or people to be the center of attention, and may exhibit jealous behaviors.
Kenneth M. Martin, Elite Fear Free Certified Professional, Veterinary Behavior Consultations, Austin, Texas
5. How can I help my dog enjoy a bath?
Make it fun! Use a treat trail (a line of treats 2 to 3 inches apart) to get your dog into the shower or bathtub. Start slow, by inviting your dog to enter the bathroom. Over time, you can work on getting it into the shower or tub. Smear peanut butter or another low-fat, sticky food on the sides of the tub so your dog will be rewarded for bravely going where few dogs like to go.
Lisa Radosta, Florida Veterinary Behavior Service, West Palm Beach, Fla.