East metro police blotter
FEB. 18
Burglary. A house in the 2100 block of NE. Cloud Drive was burglarized. Someone entered the house through an unlocked patio door and stole a laptop, two gold rings, a hunting knife, a portable DVD player and $1,200.
Theft. Northtown Security advised police that they were with a man who was asking people if they wanted to buy drugs. The man denied having drugs and consented to a search. The man was wearing a pair of new shoes with the tags still attached. He said he bought the shoes from a friend, but police learned the shoes were stolen from Burlington Coat Factory. The man was arrested and told he would be taken to jail. A short time later, the man told police he was possibly having a stroke. Police released the man to Allina on the scene. Mercy Hospital emergency room staff told police the man arrived at the hospital and admitted that he made up symptoms to avoid jail. The man was mailed a citation for possession of stolen property and the stolen shoes were returned to the store.
FEB. 20
Auto theft. A Bobcat, value $30,000, was stolen from a parking lot in the 10400 block of NE. Baltimore Street.
FEB. 20
Theft. A machine that's used to improve breathing was stolen from a resident's room at the Minnesota Veteran's Home. The resident was using the machine to help with his sleep apnea.
FEB. 22
Burglary. A 12-gauge shotgun was stolen in the 1200 block of Lun Way.
FEB. 23-24
Burglary. Someone smashed a window on the side of the Sinclair Station to gain entry. Once inside, thieves removed a safe and 20 cartons of cigarettes. Two sets of footprints were found, and a large mallet and tire irons were left where the safe was kept.
FEB. 24
Theft. A Kate Spade purse and a camera were stolen from a railing near the dance floor at The Dive, 3035 White Bear Av.
St. Anthony
FEB. 17
Shoplifting. A 67-year-old woman was arrested for shoplifting 114 items, value $701.25, from Wal-Mart, 3800 Silver Lake Road. Because of prior convictions, the woman was booked at the Hennepin County Jail for felony theft.
Aimee Blanchette • 612-673-1712