East Ridge gymnast sees all the moves

January 7, 2012 at 6:27PM
Leah Robinette
Leah Robinette (Dml -/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Questions and answers with senior gymnast Leah Robinette of East Ridge High School.

Most memorable moment as a high school athlete so far? In my first year in gymnastics, we got second place as a new school. I was a sophomore and I got first place on almost everything.

How old were you when you started gymnastics? I was about 4 years old.

Earliest gymnastics memory: Doing my first back handspring. I did it while the coach wasn't watching because I knew I could do it. I just kept doing them.

Couldn't compete without: Having my mom and dad there. Once in a while during the floor exercise I'll make eye contact with them. It gives me confidence.

To prepare for a meet, I ...: Prepare inside and out. I visualize at my house and go over my dance moves. At the gym, I do my routines and try to get all my skills consistent.

Favorite event: Probably the vault. In the vault, I feel like I've achieved the most. I do a quarter-on, quarter-off front (somersault). I've worked really hard on it.

First time at a high school meet: It was a lot different than I thought it would be. You need to work together more. The team score is the most important thing.

Biggest rival: Park. I'm good friends with [Park gymnast] Kasondra Tulloch. I love watching her excel.

One small tip to a young gymnast: To tell themselves that they can do it in their minds. To focus and have fun.


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