Things are looking up for farmers in Minnesota as harvest gets underway, thanks to a mix of increased demand from China and the misfortune of farmers in other states.
Corn and soybean prices are both up by about a fifth since early August and the hog rally has been even more pronounced.
"These prices, with these yields, should make things look financially much better than they did back during the summer, because it looked kind of bleak, really," said Rick Anderson, risk manager for Goodhue, Minn.-based Ag Partners, which operates several grain elevators in southeast Minnesota and southwest Wisconsin. "When you combine that with some of the government aid that they've received and are projected to receive, that will help of course, too."
The biggest reason corn and soybean prices have rallied is that China is purchasing more of them from the U.S. in recent weeks. Tuesday marked the 13th straight business day in which China bought U.S. soybeans.
"Their economy is rebounding from the pandemic is what we're told, and more importantly their swine herd is rebounding from the African swine fever," Anderson said.
Chinese demand for soybeans, in large part to feed hogs, makes the country the largest customer of U.S. soybean producers.
Minnesota's corn and soybean crops are also well ahead of last year, and many farmers expect good yields. Meanwhile, Iowa's crops were hit by drought and a severe storm called a derecho that flattened fields from Fort Dodge to Cedar Rapids in early August.
"The derecho that moved across a big swath of Iowa, that kind of grabbed everyone's attention," Anderson said.