Grease washed from restaurant frying pans and dirty dishes is creating a fatty mess in local sewers, and public works crews hope new rules will unclog the subterranean arteries.
Cities across the state have been getting more aggressive in recent years about diverting fats, oils and greases from the sewers — where it is costly to remove and causes dangerous backups. Minneapolis is now preparing its own ordinance requiring restaurants to collect their fat before it leaves the premises.
"Over time fat builds up in the pipe and restricts the flow," said Katrina Kessler, the city's director of surface water and sewers. "In a dire situation, the sewage can back up into the basements of buildings, homes, or sometimes up in a manhole onto the street."
Rochester, Roseville, Elk River, Bloomington, Golden Valley and Duluth have created their own fats, oils and grease (FOG for short) programs in recent years. And staff in St. Louis Park and West St. Paul say they are also discussing it.
Restaurants typically collect and recycle their fryer oil. But the plumbing code usually requires them to have a settling tank, known as a grease trap, that allows fats to float out of water that has washed down the drain. Some cities are now making sure restaurants are using and properly maintaining their grease traps, which must be cleaned regularly.
Louis Barron, owner of TLK Sewer and Drain Cleaning, sometimes gets calls from restaurants that haven't cleaned their traps in months or years. He then has to use a trowel to scoop out a stinky block of grease.
"It's a mess," Barron said. "Believe me, when I see that, I give them what-for."
Some jobs smell so bad that restaurant employees flee the scene for clean air. "I don't smell it no more," Barron said. "I'm nose blind."