Close to a century ago — probably in fall 1934, when Dust Bowl droughts had lowered the water levels of Lower Hay Lake by 6 feet — a man named F. T. Gustavson found what looked like an old rifle stock on the shoreline of the lake about 30 miles north of Brainerd.
That rifle stock eventually made it to the Crow Wing County Historical Society. In the 1980s the museum asked Ray Nelson, then a park ranger at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cross Lake Recreation Area, to take a look at their collection. Nelson had been an fan of muzzle-loading firearms since childhood, when he watched television shows from the fur-trading era and idolized characters such as Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone. He'd become an amateur gunsmith and historian, and he loved historical reenactments.
In a box, he found Gustavson's gun stock.
"I thought, 'Wow, that sure is different and unique-looking compared to anything else that would typically be here in the Crow Wing area," he said. "And I got inquisitive and curious about it."
That spark of curiosity has led Nelson on a decades-long hunt to determine the provenance of what he believes to be the oldest gun relic ever found in Minnesota. He believes the gun stock, or parts of it, could be as old as the 1700s.
Over the years, Nelson has gathered a number of clues: A banana-shaped flint gun lock plate popular in early 1700s European locks. An unusual flat brass sideplate that looks like an engraved serpent. A trigger plate shaped like a teardrop and typical of old French or Dutch guns. A wood stock made from birch.
"It looks like a piece of wood that's been laying in water and deteriorating for lots of years," said Nelson, now of Ironton.
Something about that deteriorated piece of wood continues to captivate Nelson. It has led him to learn about the history of the Brainerd area and the history of immigration to the Upper Midwest, the history of fur-trading and the history of muzzleloading rifles in the 1700s and 1800s.