If you hunt ducks or geese in Minnesota, chances are you know the name Steve Cordts.
For 20 years, Cordts has been the Department of Natural Resources waterfowl specialist, a job that’s garnered him considerable respect, even though many waterfowlers have at times disagreed with the way the DNR manages the state’s ducks and geese.
But now Cordts is out of a job, fired by his DNR bosses for something neither he nor others who know him thought he was capable of:
Driving while drunk. In a state vehicle.
Cordts doesn’t deny the charge. But he says he has no memory of consuming the approximately 16 alcoholic drinks he said he would have needed to consume in 2½ hours to blow a .26 when he was pulled over by a State Patrol officer in February near Walker, Minn.
Cordts was en route home to Bemidji from Cragun’s Resort on Gull Lake, a distance of about 95 miles. At Cragun’s, Cordts had played host to about 60 waterfowl managers from 14 states attending their annual Mississippi Flyway meetings.
After Cordts was busted, the DNR put him on investigative leave for three months and then fired him. He lost his health insurance and the sick leave pay he had accumulated.
With no defense — he concedes he was drunk — he was convicted of drunken driving, paid a fine of more than $600 and will have an ignition lock on his truck for a year. An attorney cost him more than $2,000.