When a 90-year-old woman was discharged recently from Methodist Hospital after a bout with bronchitis and respiratory issues, some visitors dropped by her Minnetonka home the next day.
They were firefighters.
But they weren't there for an emergency. They took her blood pressure, talked about the new medicines she was on and made sure she knew how to use her inhalers. They checked to see if her smoke detectors were working and whether there were any rugs she might slip on.
It was a trial run for a pilot project that begins in May, pairing the Park Nicollet hospital in St. Louis Park with fire departments in that city, Edina, Minneapolis, Richfield, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and Hopkins to help discharged patients make a safe transition from hospital to home. Edina's Fairview Southdale Hospital is discussing a similar program with the Edina Fire Department.
In the hubbub of leaving the hospital, patients often don't fully understand discharge instructions. At the hospital, they may be in pain, drugged and overwhelmed. Eager to get home, people say they understand what they're supposed to do after they leave the hospital.
Then they don't fill their prescriptions. Discharge papers sit unread. If they have their medications, they may be confused about what to take when.
If patients consent, the pilot project will send a firefighter to their home the day after they're discharged to make sure everything is all right. The goal is not to duplicate services like home health nurses who visit later, but to handle immediate problems after discharge.
"It's great to have firefighters do this, because they are such a trusted member of the communities," said Linda Bauermeister, Park Nicollet's director of nursing and population health.