Q A lot of companies are going around looking for roofs damaged by hail. How do I find a reliable and honest contractor to redo my roof?
Fixit: How does one find reliable contractor?
By KAREN YOUSO, Star Tribune
A It's wise to be cautious and do some homework before hiring. Reroofing is a major remodeling project and it's an area where consumers often feel cheated. Many roofers are honest, however, and do a good job.
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) recommends that you:
• Check the contractor's license at 651-284-5069, toll-free at 1-800-342-5354, or go to www.doli.state.mn.us/contractor.
Avoid contractors who:
• Arrive in an unmarked truck or van.
• Ask you to sign an "estimate" or "authorization" before you have decided to actually hire them.
• Appear willing to do the job at an unusually low price.
• Only provide a post office box for their business address.
• Require full or substantial payment before work begins.
• Refuse to provide you with a written estimate or contract.
• Don't provide a state of Minnesota license number or references.
• Show up unsolicited or use high-pressure sales tactics.
Before you sign a contract, make sure it includes:
• A detailed summary of the work to be done and a description of materials to be used.
• The total contract price or how the price will be calculated.
• Specific timelines and provisions that address what will happen if the contractor fails to meet contractual deadlines.
It's important that you:
• Don't sign anything presented by a contractor unless you have read the document carefully and have decided to hire that contractor. Generally, if you sign a piece of paper, it is a contract, regardless of what the salesperson tells you, and you are then obligated to its terms.
In some cases, a salesperson will ask the homeowner to sign an authorization form that would allow the contractor to contact the insurance carrier. Be aware that signing the form amounts to agreeing to have the contractor do the work, not just bid on the work. Some of these forms contain small print (usually on the back) that says unless the homeowner cancels the contract within three business days, the homeowner will owe the contractor a percentage (usually 15 to 50 percent) of the total insurance claim settlement, regardless of whether you ultimately choose another contractor.
• Realize that the code for much of Minnesota now specifies just one layer of shingles. That means all old materials must be removed to bare wood sheathing before replacing damaged shingles, according to DOLI spokesman James Honerman. To see if you live in the area affected by this code, go to the DOLI website or call the numbers listed previously.
• Limit your down payment. Some contractors want to be paid half of the total before work begins. Consider paying 10 percent down instead. If the company were to fail before your roof was finished, you could lose all or some of your down payment.
• Check your contract for mention of charges for repairs made to the wood on your roof. Often, contractors will quote an open-ended hourly rate for labor plus materials. Depending on the roof's condition, that could add thousands of dollars to the cost. When the shingles are off, you aren't in much of a position to argue. On the other hand, the contractor can't see the condition of wood under the old shingles and wants to avoid underbidding by keeping the woodworking clause open. Ask for a worst-case scenario price (such as for a whole deck replacement), or ask the contractor to set a limit on the price for rotten-wood replacement.
• Ask about quality controls, both in terms of how well the roof is installed and how well your property will be treated. Be sure to get it in writing that the workers on your roof (as well as the company) are insured in the event of injuries, accidents or shoddy workmanship.
• Be part of the project. Contractors say they've had homeowners or neighbors sit and watch the whole job from windows or the lawn. It's not a bad idea to know what's on your roof and how it was put there.
Send your questions to Fixit in care of the Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488, or call 612-673-7032, or e-mail fixit@startribune.com. Past columns are available at www.startribune.com/fixit. Sorry, Fixit cannot supply individual replies.