Well, that wasn't too smart.
A floatplane pilot and passenger apparently decided the best way to see the final matches of the Ryder Cup was to land on Lake Hazeltine and drop anchor adjacent of the 7th hole.
Chaska Police Chief Scott Knight wasn't amused. A city ordinance, you see, prohibits any activity on the lake during the event. Ryder Cup security even includes an official from the FAA watching radar.
Knight described the incident, which happened about 2:30 p.m. Sunday:
A small plane was seen coming in low, then banked sharply and disappeared off radar, Knight said. That meant the plane had landed.
Police deployed a boat and headed to the plane. But the motor failed and the officers had to row the rest of the way, the chief said.
The pilot and passenger were brought to shore; the plane was left anchored in the lake. The two men were given citations.
"But there are more things looming in the pilot's future," Knight said. "The FAA Flight Standards division is very interested in him. He's violated their rules and they will be talking to him on Monday."