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If you have a "SCIENCE IS REAL" sign in your yard and you're in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana, you should do some reading. The evidence emphatically disfavors legalization.
A good place to start is "Smokescreen: What the Marijuana Industry Doesn't Want You to Know" (2021) by Kevin Sabet of the Yale Medical School, a drug policy adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. It includes 355 footnotes to medical and social scientific research. Here are a few vital points:
• Frequent use of high-potency marijuana disrupts brain development in teenagers and young adults (brains develop to at least age 25). Pot impairs academic performance, and it can decrease intelligence.
• Marijuana is associated with psychosis — paranoia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder. Psychiatric hospital admissions increase sharply after legalization.
• Contrary to what we've been told, marijuana is addictive. Compulsive use can cause all sorts of pathologies, including hyperemesis (chronic vomiting), depression and suicidality.
• Fatal car crashes in which a driver tests positive for THC (the psychoactive component in pot) increase sharply after legalization.