Until recently, hardly anyone knew that an aging building on Hiawatha Avenue in south Minneapolis was once a fire station that housed an all-Black fire crew, a reflection of segregation in the early 1900s.
But the story of Station 24 and the controversy that surrounded its opening has emerged because of the intervention of former Hennepin County District Judge LaJune Lange, who is worried the 113-year-old former fire hall could be torn down. She's launched a campaign to have the city designate it as a historic site.
"I want it to be a historical landmark so the early history of African American people can be identified and preserved," Lange said.
Bryan Tyner, who on Friday became Minneapolis' second Black fire chief, said he was writing a letter to support Lange's efforts.
"It would be great if it had historical designation," he said. "It holds a special place in the history of the Minneapolis Fire Department."
But they could face hurdles. John Bean, owner of the former station at 4501 Hiawatha Av., expressed ambivalence. While "the historical significance is a great thing," he said, having such a designation "handcuffs me from doing anything with the building."
Lange, who only recently learned where the fire hall was located, spotted an adjacent construction project while driving past the building two weeks ago and feared it might be razed. She contacted City Council members and has gained support for having it historically designated.
It turns out the building doesn't face imminent demolition, though that was a possibility in 2018 when RS Eden bought the adjacent property to build 80 low-income rental housing units.