Justin Faunce lost $500 to a scammer impersonating a Wells Fargo official in January and hoped that the bank would reimburse him. Faunce was a longtime Wells Fargo customer and had immediately reported the scam — involving Zelle, the popular money transfer app.
But Wells Fargo said the transaction wasn't fraudulent because Faunce had authorized it — even though he had been tricked into transferring the money.
Faunce was shocked. "It was clearly fraud," he said. "This wasn't my fault, so why isn't the bank doing the right thing here?"
Consumers love payment apps like Zelle because they're free, fast and convenient. Created in 2017 by America's largest banks to enable instant digital money transfers, Zelle comes embedded in banking apps and is now by far the country's most widely used money transfer service. Last year, people sent $490 billion through Zelle, compared with $230 billion through Venmo, its closest rival.
Zelle's immediacy has also made it a favorite of fraudsters. Other types of bank transfers or transactions involving payment cards typically take at least a day to clear. But once crooks scare or trick victims into handing over money via Zelle, they can siphon away thousands of dollars in seconds. There's no way for customers — and in many cases, the banks themselves — to retrieve the money.
Nearly 18 million Americans were defrauded through scams involving digital wallets and person-to-person payment apps in 2020, according to Javelin Strategy & Research, an industry consultant.
"Organized crime is rampant," said John Buzzard, Javelin's lead fraud analyst. "A couple years ago, we were just starting to talk about it" on apps like Zelle and Venmo, Buzzard said. "Now, it's common and everywhere."
The banks are aware of the widespread fraud on Zelle. When Faunce called Wells Fargo to report the crime, the customer service representative told him "a lot of people are getting scammed on Zelle this way." Getting ripped off for $500 was "actually really good," Faunce said the rep told him, because "many people were getting hit for thousands of dollars."