Woodworking. Pottery. Beekeeping. Organic gardening.
Few viewers who watched Don Shelby on the news had any idea of the hobbies that occupied him when he was away from the set.
"I have a rampant curiosity. An insatiable drive to know more. I can't not tend to it," said Shelby, who anchored the news at WCCO for 32 years. "It's a gun at my head, placed there by myself."
Shelby is also a collector of first-edition books and is a self-taught scholar of basketball, the Arctic and the historic exploration of the Mississippi River, to name a few of the subjects in which he's immersed himself.
As a student of the blues, he's fronted a blues band. As an admirer of Mark Twain, he applies his own stage makeup and dons a white suit for a one-man show channeling the 19th-century humorist.
"My hobbies taught me to think critically and fed my creativity," Shelby said.
His varied skills and knowledge left many colleagues wondering where he found time to pursue so many interests while holding down a demanding job and raising a family.
Since retiring 11 years ago, he's at them full time.