A group of about 50 Minnesota moms is attempting to appeal a ruling that undid many of the state's longstanding regulations on abortion.
They filed a motion last week to intervene in the case Doe v. Minnesota after a judge ruled in July that many of the state's abortion restrictions were unconstitutional, including a parental notification requirement for patients under 18.
Attorney General Keith Ellison declined to appeal the Ramsey County judge's decision, prompting other groups to try and intervene.
"The district court's decision to strip the state of nearly all power to regulate abortions or create laws that protect young women — our daughters — is astounding," said Renee Carlson, an attorney working on the case.
They're attempting to intervene as parents, including one mother with a minor child. Two are the relatives of the original legislative sponsors of the parental notification law.
"The language of the bill was carefully chosen, because at its core it wasn't about whether you were pro-life or the pro-choice, it was about protecting the health and safety of young women and girls," said Barb Waldorf, daughter-in-law of former Democratic Rep. Gene Waldorf, who sponsored the bill.
A judge rejected a similar motion to intervene from officials in Traverse County.