People who live around Lake Nokomis and Lake Hiawatha are demanding answers about why water has been inundating their neighborhood, damaging houses, washing out sewer pipes and turning some yards into swamps.
More than 100 people attended a meeting near Nokomis in south Minneapolis Wednesday night. Many want U.S. Geological Survey scientists to study the problem, akin to its high-profile work examining low water levels at White Bear Lake.
"We have collected over 80 addresses that have had sewer line fractures, sinkholes, water in basements, and shifting foundations, with repair costs ranging from $5,000 to $60,000," said resident Joan Soholt, who has been canvassing areas around Lake Nokomis.
Their concerns come amid another simmering debate over whether the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board should stop pumping water from the soggy Hiawatha Golf Course, which would then flood the course and potentially some nearby basements. The course surrounds Lake Hiawatha.
A number of residents believe the cause of the problem is buried somewhere in the network of dams and pipes that alter the flow of water through the Minnehaha Creek watershed, which drains Lake Minnetonka, parts of Richfield and the airport through their neighborhood.
But watershed officials say there's a simpler answer: Rain. 2016 was the wettest year on record in the Twin Cities, and the two years before that were among the top 15 wettest.
"We aren't just seeing this in Minneapolis," said Tiffany Schaufler, project and land manager at the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, which operates a Lake Minnetonka dam that controls the flow of water through the creek. "We're seeing this across our whole watershed where things are still natural [and] there isn't the human intervention piece."
'Spring under the house'
Among the more visible changes has been the degradation of Solomon Park, just west of Lake Nokomis. Teresa Miller, who lives alongside the park, has pictures of canoes floating and cattails growing where her lawn once grew. She paid someone to fill it in with dirt, but now it is sinking again and a thick forest of mature trees behind it is toppling over.