Both Anoka and Mounds View are asking voters in Tuesday’s election to weigh in on how their trash gets collected.
The results will determine whether the cities keep their current systems, where residents individually contract with licensed haulers to pick up waste, or move to a city-organized collection system.
Residents in both places have already approved measures requiring a city charter amendment for such a switch. With the measures on the ballot, the debate over who should hire a hauler is proving contentious, with the cities and haulers tangling in court and tens of thousands of dollars of campaign spending by opponents of the measures.
Advocates of organized trash pickup argue that moving to a single waste company will ensure there’s consistent pricing across the city, reduce noise and cut down on the number of garbage trucks on the street.
But trash haulers have pushed back, arguing residents should get to choose who picks up their trash in the open market.
Anoka has four licensed companies hauling trash in the city. If the ballot initiative passes, the city has negotiated a contract with ACE Solid Waste to be its lone hauler. A household’s weekly service for a 90-gallon cart would cost $16.80 per month.
Despite that, ACE opposes the change, arguing against eliminating competition in the city and against the government setting the terms of the service. David Wiggins, government affairs manager for ACE, said financially, moving to a citywide contract “is kind of a wash” for the company.
“We want to earn our customers’ business every week by doing a good job,” Wiggins said. “And frankly, if our customers don’t think we’re doing a good job they should be able to fire me and go with someone else. If the government does that for them, they lose their ability to do that.”