Q: We've got a situation where people are letting politics get the better of them, and I'm seriously concerned that by the time the election gets here, we'll have lasting hard feelings. How can I help my group get through the next couple of weeks?
How to keep politics from taking over your workplace
Maureen, 49, small business owner
A: It's safe to say that this election is challenging civility in unprecedented ways. Yet, you can create an environment that stays apart from that, at least during the workday.
First, determine what you'd like to see in terms of climate. At the minimum, you'll expect respect and getting the work done; collaboration and camaraderie are also desirable. In normal times, how well does your team get along? Thinking honestly, are there fault lines that indicate shaky relationships, or are things generally good?
Then think about past election years or, for that matter, other controversial topics that have come up. What are the coping mechanisms that have helped folks get through those disagreements? It could be that the group is more resilient than you think. Tap into tactics that have worked in the past to establish common ground.
Now do a bit of team analysis. While it sounds like the issue is somewhat widespread, are there people who are particularly influential? If so, enlisting them to help get the situation under control could be very helpful. If they tend to fan the flames, get your point across to them that there are lines that are being crossed and that it's damaging the company.
Moving into action, your key tactic is going to be communication. Get your employees in a room and put the issue on the table. You'll want to plan out your talking points so that you hit the right notes. Be ready to speak to the aspects that are central to your identity as a team, your values as people, and the importance of supporting one another, even when you disagree. You care about the company and the team's well-being — let your feelings show so your employees understand how important this is to you.
Then, as you describe the problems you see emerging, turn to the team to help develop some ground rules and strategies. If you choose a total moratorium on political speech, for example, you could have a penalty jar — put in a buck whenever you slip — and use it for a company party.
Of course, if the behavior is actively hostile or abusive, you'll need to take a harder stand, taking the offending employee aside for correction to reduce the possibility of escalation.
Be sure to have a visible presence at the workplace. If you've communicated an expectation and you're around to observe whether it's being met, you'll cut the chances that people will slip. Then, also "catch" people meeting your expectations; affirmation is a powerful thing.
And remember, people do have a right to express their opinions. Your goal will be to maintain an environment where this free speech doesn't impinge on co-workers' ability to be productive and happy at work.
What challenges do you face at work? Send your questions to Liz Reyer, leadership coach and president of Reyer Coaching & Consulting in Eagan. She can be reached at liz@deliverchange.com.
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