Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of guest commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
On May 7, Minnesota came in at No. 4 on U.S. News and World Report’s comprehensive ranking of the “Best States” in the country. That’s one spot higher than on last year’s list. Minnesota has been a Top 5 state each of the six years the list has been produced.
So, one could assume things are well in the North Star State. And it may seem like catastrophizing, then — or at least being nitpicky — to focus on the problems.
Yet Minnesotans being honest can tell that something is wrong.
Cases of unprecedented crime; echoes of the recent riots; more residents than ever feeling disillusioned with the political process, and a tension replacing the usual spark and pride of being Minnesotan. Overall, there’s a sense of fragility in the bedrock of our society.
Less than two weeks after our state finished in the Top 5, the Minnesota House erupted in disjointed cries of “Point of order!” and “Follow the rules!” Republicans were livid that members of the Democratic majority added several last-minute amendments to an omnibus bill then moved to bypass all debate. All of the amendments were passed into law.
Accusations of DFL underhandedness came from the political right. From the left were justifications in light of Republicans’ delaying tactics (filibustering). Regardless, it’s all part of the bigger picture: A state government growing more partisan and childish; urban centers suffering more unrest, and a broader society less unified and satisfied — leading many to take the ultimate statement of dissatisfaction by no longer being Minnesotans at all.