“Omigosh,” they often begin, talking about the Scholastic Book Fairs of their youth.
As kids, they would pore over the catalog, circling covers. They would save up their allowance. They would buy books, sure, but also bookmarks, stickers or a diary with a padlock.
Then, decades later, they would try to re-create that feeling.
“Nostalgia,” said Rachel Silberman, the event and marketing coordinator for Inbound BrewCo, explaining why, on Jan. 11, she’ll host a Book Fair for Adults at the Minneapolis brewery. The 35-year-old couldn’t use the word “Scholastic” in the event’s title, “because copyright,” but people got the message.
More than 13,000 of them have clicked “interested” on the Facebook event she created. “I have never seen a response like this before,” Silberman said.
The fair, which will feature books from eight bookstores and bookish goodies from seven crafters, is part of a wave of events catering to millennials and Gen Xers who remember well the youthful excitement surrounding the Scholastic Book Fairs of their childhood.
Now, with beer.
A similar event in Milwaukee last September sold out. In January, the third annual Wisconsin Grown-Up Book Fair, held in Madison, will span two days. Pearl Street Books in La Crosse, Wis., has been holding adult book fairs quarterly.