(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
An old country dilemma
A familiar World Cup conundrum in a land of immigrants: Your country, or your ancestor's country? Sen. Amy Klobuchar, one of three Slovenian-Americans in the U.S. Senate (not bad for a nation of some 2 million people) says "there can be no question" where her loyalties lie in today's World Cup match-up between Slovenia and the U.S. Compounding the dilemma is that the Yanks shed their underdog image against tiny Slovenia, about the size of New Jersey, and truly one of the "small people" in the international soccer landscape. (Their team motto: "Never judge greatness by size"). "I will certainly root for the U.S.," said the Minnesota Democrat, who gets her Slovenian heritage through her dad, former Star Tribune life and sports columnist Jim Klobuchar. But, Klobuchar added, "I would like to see Slovenia get through to the second round." That could happen if England beats Algeria and Slovenia beats England. So, looking down the qualifying road, "I will root for Slovenia against England," said Klobuchar. And if both the U.S. and Slovenia get through? Klobuchar says she's sticking with the good ol' USA. The other two senators of Slovenian heritage are Democrat Tom Harkin of Iowa and Republican George Voinovich of Ohio.