Thanks to FM107's format change, which brought about a website redesign, yakster Colleen Kruse's bio no longer contains a fib about her marital status.
With the station rebranding itself "MyTalk1071: A little gossip, a lot of laughs," Kruse updated her bio to omit any reference to being married. But just last week, this was part of her station bio: "List all of the 'hats' you wear in your current life: 'Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Long Distance BFF (To Roxanne in NYC), Massage Therapist, Slave to Psycho House Cat, Weightlifter, Kickboxer, Goofball.'"
Depending on your meaning of "Wife," it has been at least three months or nearly three years since being a Mrs. was part of Kruse's vitae. About three months ago, Kruse's divorce from Strib movie critic Colin Covert became final, but the messiness that prompted the divorce came to the fore nearly three years ago.
At the Pay It Forward Fund gala Friday, I asked Kruse whether she had ever told radio listeners that she was not with Covert. "I haven't said anything about anything. And that's all I'm not going to say about it," Kruse said laughing and then adding: "I'm not with anybody and I'm not on the market. I'm in therapy." This time she added her more wacky laugh.
A comedian, Kruse also quipped that with Covert's inclusion among the "Intriguing Singles" in the February issue of Mpls.St.Paul magazine, people will know something's up. Of course, Fox 9 viewers may have heard a passing reference I made to Kruse's divorce sometime during 2009.
Considering how sexually charged "Colleen & the Boys" are when the radio show isn't one extended double entendre, I marveled at her skill avoiding the Covert subject throughout the divorce's denouement. I've heard countless awkward silences since 2008 when Covert, mysteriously stopped making his weekly appearance on Kruse's show because he was headed for divorce. She also had ample opportunities under the station's old slogan, "Living Life Out Loud," to regale us with the juicy stuff. I know details of the marital split because colleagues clued me in a couple of years ago. It's movie worthy on many levels, folks, and the rating would be "R" at the least.
"Colleen is a professional storyteller, and she's brilliant at concealing what she doesn't want you to know," Covert said. "With a person like that, if you believe every single word said, you're in for some stunning surprises. I speak from experience."
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