A state report alleges the Minnesota Board of Animal Health fails to enforce laws relating to deer and elk farms, keeps poor records, is lax at penalizing violators and has allowed a third of deer and elk producers to skip testing in combating the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD).
Those failures and other shortcomings detailed in a report Friday by the Office of the Legislative Auditor help explain why the agency has been accused by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) over the past two years of being too cozy with deer and elk farmers.
CWD threatens the state's invaluable herd of wild deer, and the DNR believes inadequate oversight of the state's 400 deer and elk farms has increased the disease risk.
Since 2002, CWD has been detected eight times in Minnesota's captive deer or elk herds. As a whole, the report said, deer and elk farms in the state have experienced animal escapes, inaccurate inventories, inadequate official identification of animals and fencing lapses.
Sarah Delacueva, the report's chief author, said the agency's inadequate data "does not allow for easy analysis of violations or compliance issues."
But the report also noted that oversight improved last year when Dr. Linda Glaser replaced a long-term incumbent in charge of the deer and elk program.
State veterinarian Beth Thompson, executive director of the Board of Animal Health (BAH), broadly concurred with findings and recommendations in the report. She told a panel of state legislators Friday that field staff is being retrained and modifications are in the works to clean up records needed for effective CWD response when the disease appears in captive deer and elk.
"Valuable issues were brought to light by this report," Thompson said in a letter to Legislative Auditor Jim Nobles.