I was fascinated by an article about Jennifer Hyman, CEO of Rent the Runway, who attributed her business success to just two words: "Be likable."
Mackay: Be likable. It's as simple as that.
Likability, including good and nonjudgmental listening and being conscious of body language, is important to business success.

Hyman made the statement to a group of students at a Stanford Graduate School business event. "Hyman's strategy — being warm, engaging and actively listening — helped sell her ideas as both an intern and a CEO," the CNBC article said.
No matter what business you think you are in, you are in the people business. And the more people like you, the better and easier life becomes.
It's that simple.
Likability can help to get you where you want to go — whether it's a promotion at work, running a company, election to a political office, building a wonderful circle of friends. People like people who are genuine, pleasant, sincere, easy to talk with and friendly.
Since most of us spend more than a third of our lives at work, it's important to be likable, which will allow us to be more successful.
Likability is crucial in the sales game because people buy from people they like.
Motivational author Dale Carnegie provided a helpful hint at being more likable when he said: "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
To drive home his point, Carnegie tells how dogs have learned the fine art of making friends. When you get within 10 feet of a friendly dog, he will begin to wag his tail, a visible sign he enjoys your presence. If you take time to pet him, he will become excited and jump all over you to show how much he appreciates you. The dog became man's best friend by being genuinely interested in people.
Here are some ways that you can improve your likability:
Make a strong first impression. Experts say it takes between five and 15 seconds for someone to form a first impression about a person. First impressions are lasting. If the first impression is less than great, it takes a long time to change it.
Talk nicely about other people. Don't gossip. The tongue may be small, but it can kill a big reputation.
Improve your listening skills. For some people, good listening means, "I talk, you listen." Good listeners steer conversations toward other people's interests. This is what separates a good talker from a good conversationalist.
Ask questions. Be inquisitive. This also shows you are listening. Ask about their lives and learn as much as you can about the other person.
Watch your body language. Be aware of your gestures, expressions and tone of voice. Look people in the eye and let them know you have their full attention by nodding appropriately. Smile. Pay attention to the other person's body language.
Don't be judgmental. Be approachable and open-minded, which will make you interesting to others.
Stay positive. People much prefer being around happy, positive people.
Be kind. Offer sincere compliments. We all love to receive compliments.
Use people's names. We all like the sound of our own name. Using names shows that you know and value the person you are talking to.
Use humor. Making people laugh is a likable trait. You don't have to be a stand-up comedian, but be willing to laugh at yourself.
Make others feel important. Treat people the way you like to be treated.
Mackay's Moral: If you like doing business, work at being liked.
Harvey Mackay is a Minneapolis businessman. Contact him at 612-378-6202 or email harvey@mackay.com.
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