Magic Johnson stumps for Clinton
Magic Johnson doesn't trust rookies to win a basketball game much less lead the nation. "You don't want somebody in there that is young or a rookie at politics," Johnson said Tuesday at a rally in Davenport, Iowa, in support of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Johnson, the longtime basketball star with the Los Angeles Lakers, joined former President Bill Clinton to promote the New York senator's campaign. Implicit in Johnson's comments was the suggestion that Hillary Clinton had more experience than rivals Barack Obama, who has served in the U.S. Senate since January 2005, and John Edwards, who spent one term as a senator.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney dismissed a picture on the Internet that apparently showed him attending a fundraising reception for Planned Parenthood in 1994 during his Senate campaign. "I attend a lot of events when I run for office. I don't recall the specific event," the former Massachusetts governor said as he campaigned in West Columbia, S.C. "I think I've made it very clear. I was pro-choice, or effectively pro-choice, when I ran in 1994."
Obama picked up an endorsement from filmmaker Ken Burns, who said he was disappointed in what he called the negative tone of Clinton's campaign.