Passengers on state Rep. Dave Baker's Green Lake cruises in western Minnesota are supposed to wear face masks. But the crew won't press those who don't.
"If you are not wearing a mask, we will assume you have a medical condition, mental health condition or a disability that makes wearing a face covering intolerable," reads a notice on the company's Facebook page.
Across Minnesota, at a weekend rodeo in the northern Minnesota town of Effie, crowds defied state spectator limits for social distancing, spurred by a Facebook post inviting them to protest Gov. Tim Walz's pandemic mandates. "If people would like to come and protest against this ridiculous Government Over Reach, feel free to do so," rodeo organizer Cimarron Pitzen wrote. "I will not stand in the way of peoples 'Right to Assemble.' "
While state health officials appeal to the public to wear face masks and observe social distancing to control the spread of COVID-19, opponents of the governor's emergency orders are finding new ways to ignore or skirt the rules, which some state Republican officials have likened to authoritarian oppression and a few have gone so far as to link to Nazi rule.
On Tuesday, the state Republican Party said it asked for and received the resignation of a Wabasha County GOP board member who posted an image on the county party's Facebook page of a uniformed Nazi soldier with a man wearing a star badge. Jews throughout Nazi-occupied Europe were required to wear stars as a means of identification, which the post compared to the mask mandate.
"We are saddened by the vitriolic post and hope as we move forward that Republicans and Democrats alike will maintain the highest level of integrity, respect, and sensitivity," state GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan tweeted. She did not address two Republican legislative candidates who have recently drawn similar analogies to Nazi Germany. Carnahan herself recently tweeted an attack against Walz's mask mandate, saying "This is not North Korea, and you are not Kim Jong Un … or are you?"
Walz's executive order last week on masks requires anyone in a public indoor space to put a covering over their nose and mouth. But the mandate has been swept up into the acrimonious political debate around the government's COVID-19 response as some Republicans rebel against rules they see as government intrusion into their personal freedoms.
The rhetoric has spilled into real-time incidents, such as a couple expelled from a Walmart store in Marshall, Minn., on Saturday after donning face coverings emblazoned with swastikas, causing a commotion inside the store. But other gestures of defiance have been more muted.